I believe I know the reason.
Details were being leaked on Beckett for 2024 Topps Series 2 Baseball Cards.
While Topps provided details on the Series - there was no mockup of the cards.
Last Year - Topps offered mockups of Jordan Walker and Anthony Volpe - 2 rookies who were not in series 1. For Jordan Walker it was understandable because he only made his debut in Early April of that year.
There are 3 big Jackson rookies who debuted in April 2024 -
Jackson Merrill (actually he debited in Korea)
Jackson Chourio
Jackson Holliday (just sent down to the minors)
All 3 of them will not be in series (you heard it hear first)
Why because Topps wants to manipulate the market (and hope people preorder series 2 expecting those players in the set) and they want to make lots of money.
My prediction is Merrill and Chourio will be in series 2 and Holliday will be saved for update.
Considering how bad the rookie pool in 2023 update was - its possible they withhold Chourio also for series 2.
I hope none of this happens but I expect it.