Saturday, August 15, 2020

The 20 Greatest Sport Card Blogs of all time.

 I attempted to do this in a series of post a couple years ago but it did not happen. So lets try again and do it in one post. As I explained back in 2012, I have read the Sports Card Blogroll just about every day (and that is still the case), so I deem myself an expert on the subject.  Let me just say that sports card blogs in 2020 are just not the same as they were in 2012. They are just how could I say, not as fresh as they were back in 2012. There are a number of reasons for that and I will get into few.  The newness of the blogs have just wore off. When I was reading the blogs 8-12 years ago, it was all new. The basic premise was the blogs told me about the cards I owned and presented them in a different light and made them new and fresh again.  The blog 88 Topps Cards, made a junk wax set into one of the most interesting things I ever read and owned.

Also,  I think of the Sports Cards Blogs like Monday Night Football. In the early 1970s, its live nighttime broadcasts with Howard Cosell and the gang  was just must see TV.  However, by the late 1970s and early 1980s the newness and freshness wore off.

In addition, the first time you read about the great action photo on the 1971 Topps Lindy McDaniel it is new but through the years other bloggers will write about it the card and it is just a little less fresh.

There are other reasons, (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook,  Case Breaks, Exclusivity Rights, Trading, Commercialization of) the Sports Card Blogs are not as formidable as years ago.  So that said here we go. Below are the top 20 through 2020 and far below the top 20 through 2012.


Top 20 Sports card Blogs of all-time


2008 through 2020 (Posted on August 15, 2020)

1. Night Owl Cards 

2. The Topps Archives 

3. Wrigley Wax 

4. The Phillies Room 

5Cardboard History

6. Cards on Cards 

7. 30 year old cardboard

8. garvey cey russell lopes 

9. 88 Topps Cards 

10. Puck Junk 

11. The Shlanbotnik Report

12. The Chronicles of Fugi

13. SABR Baseball Card Research Committee

14. Waxacholic

15. Voice of the Collector – the Anti Beckett 

16. A Card Board Problem

17. A Pack to be Named Later 

18. Phungo

19.  Mint Condition

20. Card Board Junkie

The Criteria is Dominance x(times) Durability, with Durability a huge factor, if you been blogging for 12 years straight that helps getting on the list.

Notes:  Night Owl Cards like Howard Cosell is still the GREATEST…..The Topps Archives gives you the undiscovered history of Topps Cards…Wrigley Wax, The Phillies Rooms and Cards on Cards gives you baseball cards from a team perspective…Cardboard History the fastest riser….Some of the Blogs have ended and some have slowed down their pace through the years.    


Top 20 Sports card Blogs


2008 through 2012 (Posted on November 23, 2012)

1. Night Owl Cards 

2. Wrigley Wax 

3. 30 year old cardboard 

4. The Topps Archives 

5. Card Board Junkie 

6. The Chronicles of Fuji 

7. The Phillies Room 

8. garvey cey russell lopes 

9. Cards on Cards 

10. Waxacholic

11. 88 Topps Cards 

12. Sports Cards Uncensored 

13. My 2008 Topps Blog 

14. Condition Poor 

15. Voice of the Collector – the Anti Beckett 

16. Mint Condition 

17. A Card Board Problem 

18. Bdj610’s Topps Baseball Card Blog 

19.  Puck Junk 

20. Wax Heaven 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Why the Democrats will win the 2020 presidential election and why the stock market will fall in the next 3 months

I'm back and ready for a little bit of a predictions.   After studying the US GDP numbers since 1927 and Presidential election results, the following rules tend (83 percent of the time - 19 out of the last 23 elections) to apply:

1. If the (calendar year) GDP rises from the third to fourth year in a Presidential Administration, the political party in power stays in power in the White House. The exception was 1968, where the GDP rose from 2.7 in 1967 to 4.9 in 1968. The Democrats lost the White  House.

2. If the (calendar year) GDP drops from the third to fourth year in a Presidential Administration or if the Calendar year GDP is negative in the third or fourth year of  Administration in power (the political party in power) loses the White House. The exceptions were 1944, 1948 and 1956. 

Below are the results:

1928: The GDP rises from 0.6 (1927) to 1.2 in 1928. The Republicans stay in power

1932:  The GDP in 1932 was -12.9 (it was also negative in 1931). The Republicans lose White House to Democrats

1936: The GDP rises from 8.9  (1935)  to 12.9 in 1936. The Democrats stay in power

1940: The GDP rises from 8.0  (1939)  to 8.8 in 1940. The Democrats stay in power

1944:  The GDP drops from 17.0  (1943)  to 8.0 in 1944. The Democrats should have lost but did not

1948:  The GDP in 1947 was -1.1 (it was positive in 1948 at 4.1) The Democrats should have lost but did not

1952:  The GDP drops from 8.0 (1951) to 4.1 in 1952. The Democrats lose the White House to the Republicans

1956:  The GDP drops from 7.1  (1955)  to 2.1 in 1956. The Republicans should have lost the White House  but did not

1960:  The GDP drops from 6.9 (1959)  to 2.9 in 1960. The Republicans lose the White House to the Democrats

1964:  The GDP rises from  4.4  (1963)  to 5.8 in 1964. The Democrats stay in power

1968:  The GDP rises from 2.7  (1967)  to 4.9 in 1968. The Democrats should not have lost but did. Republicans take the White House

1972:  The GDP rises from 3.3  (1971)  to 5.3 in 1972. The Republicans stay in power

1976:  The GDP in 1975 was -0.2 (it was positive in 1976 at 5.4). The Republicans lose the White House to the Democrats

1980:  The GDP drops from 3.2  (1979)  to -0.3 in 1980. The Democrats lose the White House to the Republicans

1984:  The GDP rises from 4.6 (1983)  to 7.2 in 1980. The Republicans stay in power

1988:  The GDP rises from 3.5 (1987)  to 4.2 in 1988. The Republicans stay in power

1992: The GDP in 1991 was -0.1 (it was positive in 1992 at 3.5). The Republicans lose the White House to the Democrats

1996:  The GDP rises from  2.7  (1995)  to 3.8 in 1996. The Democrats stay in Power

2000:  The GDP drops from 4.8  (1999)  to 4.1 in 2000. The Democrats lose the White House to the Republicans

2004:  The GDP rises from 2.9 (2003)  to 3.8 in  2004. The Republicans stay in power

2008: The GDP drops from 1.9 (2007) to  -0.1 in 2008. The Republicans lose the White House to the Democrats

2012:  The GDP rises from 1.6 (2011)  to 2.2 in 2012. The Democrats stay in power

2016:  The GDP drops from 2.9 (2015)  to 1.6 in 2016. The Democrats lose the White House to the Republicans

This brings us to 2020. In 2019 the GDP was 2.3. So far the GDP is about -18.0 with a projected -5.0 rate for all of 2020. This tells us there will be a political party change (well at least an 83 percent chance) in the White House. While I don't have the numbers, I remember reading that in a Presidential Year if the Stock Market drops from August 1st to October 31st, the Political Party in the White House will lose the White House.  The last time this did not work was 1980.

With that reasoning that the Political Party in Power now will lose, then this means the stock market from August 1st to October 31st will fall. The Dow Jones is at 26,428. It will be less than that number on October 31st.